In the year 5012, a strange cytoplasmic creature cytoplasmic was sighted in my galaxy. It is the VAMPIRE Parasitis! A deadly, formless mass which feeds on all forms of life and assumes the mutated form of swallowed prey! VAMPIRE Parasitis has made rapid progress towards THIS HOME PLANET EARTH IN THE YEAR 1988. We have launched a comprehensive attack. But the massive VAMPIRE Parasitis crushed the entire season! A orbiting hospital Ship is still swallowed whole - with the beautiful nun-bots on board! YOU ARE UZI REPTOID, Second Lieutenant, the sole survivor of the Force. Offside by the action of your ship's energy faulty drive, you Witnesses to the attack! But it's not too late to join the fight! Now your arms are ready and your ship was repaired! Jettison from your Space vehicles, ignite and power to zoom in VAMPIRE Parasitis "GRISTLY SURFACE." Your mission: Blast your way within VAMPIRE Parasitis nightmarish body and fight Your way to their core business - to destroy! WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY TRYING TO SUMMON WITH THESE THINGS?
"How can a government be structured straight using a symbolic code subconsciously remanipulated and its symbols do not belong to the verbal formation. To my know edge societies and disease-culture symbols have violated universal symbolic laws and shortcircuited the electromagnetic code of the Roman lettersymbols and others used to build a word, the definition of a word to build a society and then a government and a future educational process to complete universal transit system and manipulate (blood system).
To my knowledge of the symbolic codes of the alphabet’s formation, it is very much incorrect. The evolution of the Roman letter structured in the formation: ADEBRKPFLHIJTMGOQCNSVWUXYZ and the SlRPIEREULE-formated structures. The construction of most of the symbols was remanipulated subconsciously, J,U,W are conscious remanipulations. (Neutral) The borrowing of subconsciously incomplete symbolic structures (Phoenician), etc. Added to the design of the Roman letter-type, these symbols are complete due to armament-structure in design of IKONOKLAST PANZERISM. According to the degree of knowledge of the cipher, triangle and square. This is not revolution, this is evolution." ~RAMM ELL ZEE Read the whole thing HERE.
The 85%, easily led in the wrong direction hard to be led in the right direction. The 10%, know who the True * living God is, the Sun of Man but teach a lie. The 5%, who are the poor righteous teachers of the poor parts of the plane Earth, once known as Asia. They teach knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, which are true, undeniable facts and actions that are based within that grounding.
YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE. WHY LIVE AS A SLAVE IF YOU CAN LIVE AS A SHOGUN! IT IS TIME TO POLISH UP THOSE OLD SWORDS & TAKE THEM TO THE STREETS. TO BE A STREET SAMURAI. GET OUT THE BODYGLOVE OUTFIT, SHAVE YOURSELF A MOHAWK, GET OUT THE BOOMBOX & GO SHOW 'EM WHATCHA GOT! Britain 'nation of form fillers watched by quarter of world's CCTV cameras' Britain has become a bureacratic and authoritarian state watched over by a quarter of the world's CCTV cameras, a study of Labour's decade in power claims. Read the whole thing at the London Telegraph site. STOP. WE USED TO MAKE FUN OF ENGLAND for being a panty-waisted bureaucracy full of soft-spoken pencil pushers & tight-assed rule followers. BUT, America has turned into this as well. At least, the non-poor/non-trashy are this way. American Society can be divided into two camps, THE TRASHEEZ & THE ANALZ. Completely & utterly useless. WHY DO WE NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO SLAY THEM RIGHT IN THE FUCKIN' STREETZ? THE TIME FOR FASHION IS OVER. IMAGE IS ONLY AN ADVERTISEMENT FOR REALITY STARTING....
Straight outta RAINBOW CITY. Krazy Motha-Fuc*a called UZI REPTOID, from a gang called BANANA REICH. Perforate the elasmosaurus. Rectivize the intellivision. Rotoscope the BAKSHOMETER. I just READ THE RULES & DIRECTIONS for this FORUM. FUKADOGDIX. MEGATRAX. I was contacted by VARIOUS SHADOWY PERSONAS about my INTENTION. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO NO? WHAT DO YOU WANT TO KNOT NO? WHAT KAN YOU NO? WHEN EVERYTHING THING (nothing) is DELLEPS OUT FOR U, WHAT WOULD YOU NO ANYHOW? we were spread far & wide long ago. PERSECUTION. THE OLD CITY KICKED MY ASS OUT. YOU TALK ABOUT A GAME. SOME CALL LIFE A GAME. NO WALLS so NO FOURTH WALL CAN BE DESTROYED. INDEPENDENT OPERATORS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE INTERNET TO SPREAD BUTTER ON A DESPERATELY DRY SLICE OF THE WHITEST BREAD. We humans have developed a trick that can identify a serpent person immediately; the guards in the human cities and fortifications required all those entering to pronounce the word KININIGIN. It is a serpent person's undoing, for that word 'could only be pronounced by human vocal cords.' There are other words of course.
Paper Kills Trees Enter the shadow of the PYRAMIND & be transported into another dimension. Beware of the NEGROMANCER using MATH MAGIC to transfer energy & control the rainbow slimes. Enter the SFEIHT CASTLE & become part of the broader mystery. "This stone was known to Pliny and also to the medieval alchemists, who named it draconites, dracontias, or drachates. It was reputed to be a precious stone, which could be obtained by cutting off the head of a sleeping dragon. But it becomes a gem only when a bit of the dragon's soul remains inside, and this is the 'hate of the monster as it feels itself dying." ~Jung Spot the secret message of Conan.
Transmissions from UFO abductee & trash city survivor & savior of the next stage of the human race: Uzi Reptoid. Looking to gain entrance to Rainbow City in the Antarctic.
JoJo Rabbit
Nothing but kudos for Taika Waititi's JoJo Rabbit!
Taika Waititi plays the best & funniest Hitler ever, which is made even
funnier by Hitler being this ki...
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